We have many fun incentives (subject to change) planned for students who return their tracking sheets and for those who read the most minutes.
Students:-Turn in tracking sheet= small treat
-Turn in tracking sheet on the Monday it is due= small treat and a ticket to enter into a drawing.*
-Most minutes read each week (one student per grade) =wear a Jazz jersey on Friday and then entered to win the jersey in a drawing at the end of the contest.
-Overall top reader (one student per class)= Principals lunch to Arctic Circle
-Class with the most minutes read each week (one class per grade)= a trophy to keep in the class during the week.
-Class with the overall most minutes read (includes all grades)= pizza party
-1 Million minutes read by February 9th (1/2 way)= School wide no homework day and no tests the next day (will be on Wednesday February 11th )
*Drawing- Each week the students who return their tracking sheet on time will be given a ticket to enter into a drawing. In the office we will have 6 different prize options. They will need to make sure to write their name on the ticket and put it in the container for the prize they’d like to win. This will continue each week during the contest. The students are free to pick a different prize each week or they can try for the same prize. You are welcome to take your class by the office on the way to or from their specialty classes. During the assembly on March 3 we will draw the winners.
Drawing prizes (subject to change): Build a Bear, Boondocks, movie pack, game pack, Jump on It, and a Scott Layden basketball clinic (this is what the Jazz offered instead of game tickets).
In addition, the students can help their teachers earn prizes:-Teacher with highest per student reading minutes= Extra FREE Day off
-Class with the most minutes read each week (1 per grade)= 30 minutes extra prep time (we will coordinate with you and find a volunteer to sit in your class during the time of your choice)
-Teacher with the highest percentage of sheets turned in each week (one per grade)= ticket to enter into a drawing for either a readers gift pack or a movie gift pack. This is similar to the student drawing and will also be awarded during the assembly.